The Adventurous Life

Take off Your Leash and Live Wild

Get up at 6:30am, make coffee, eat breakfast, go to school, get home at 4pm, do homework, eat dinner, watch Netflix or play video games, go to bed, and repeat. So many of us do this five days a week. Once we graduate, substitute work for school. We face these grueling five days longing for… Continue reading Take off Your Leash and Live Wild

Recognize the War
The Adventurous Life

Recognize the War

There's no adventure without a battle. A trek into the woods is no adventure at all if the trail is easy or if you don't go off the path. Here's a math formula for you: Normal life - ease and comfort + intentionally entering difficulty = Adventurous living. Just so you know, comfort and adventure… Continue reading Recognize the War

Finding beauty in life and creation means enjoying the simple things.
The Adventurous Life, Uncategorized

Finding Beauty

Everywhere you look there’s complexity. In water, underground, on land, in the air, and even out in space. It’s as if everything can’t simply just be as it is, but must burst forth with vibrance and beauty. After enjoying new beauty like this for a bit we label it as "normal" and toss it into… Continue reading Finding Beauty

The Adventurous Life

God’s Calling or Your Own Desire?

I can personally relate to this question. God often calls us down paths that satisfy our deepest desires. So, how do we know if we are choosing a path because it's God's calling or your own desire? Fortunately, there isn't just a one stop answer. I say fortunately because this means we are forced to… Continue reading God’s Calling or Your Own Desire?

The Adventurous Life, Uncategorized

Two Keys to a Life of Meaning and Adventure

We often play video games, watch movies, and scan social media because our own lives are boring and we'd rather live more exciting lives vicariously through others. Ask yourself these two questions: "Am I just wandering through life?" and "What am I living for?" I've asked myself these questions over and over, and I'm continually… Continue reading Two Keys to a Life of Meaning and Adventure