Facing Fear, The Adventurous Life

How To Push Past Fear And Do That Big Thing

Fear is the number one thing that keeps us from doing what God has called us to. Whether it be evangelism, missions, teaching, or even just asking that girl out, fear sinks its nasty talons deep into our hearts and pulls us away from the things we know we are called to and feel passionate about. So, how do we push past fear?

The Prison Of Fear

Following fear leads to an emotional prison. Don’t listen to it! It will throw all those what-if questions at you and drown your hope, passion, and optimism. Sometimes the more you stop, wait, and think, the more these fears will build. I think we can all relate to stepping back from that ledge because the fear was just too much.

The more we listen to fear, the more it tightens its grip around our hearts. It will keep asking more and more of us until we are trapped inside with no friends, no joy, and no escape. This is the worst type of prison because nothing but yourself is locking you away.

You might also be able to relate to that joy and freedom that comes when you push past fear and do that hard thing anyways. If God is calling you to do something big, this freedom and joy always rest on the other side of fear.

It’s interesting that people think following God means losing your freedom, while all along, they are slowly backing into a prison of fear and selfishness. Yes God has rules, but these rules help us come alive and be free in our hearts.

The Right Kind of Fear

We need to be careful when we talk about pushing past fear. Some fear is good. Being afraid to go cliff diving off of a ninety foot ledge is good. We should heed this kind of fear. Use fear as a warning light, but don’t give it power to control you. Don’t step back from something just because of fear.

Ask yourself, “Is this fear rational?” “Is this risk worth it?” “Is this what God is calling me to do?” All types of fear we should take note of, but if God is calling us to push through the fear then don’t let your terrified emotions cloud your trust of God.

Win The Focus Battle

This last week, fear has gripped me. I’m in the process of editing one of my older books to submit to a big Christian publisher. The editor of the publishing house asked me to change something significant about my book before I submit it. Now, as I sit to edit, my focus with every word has been, “What will they think?” “Is this even good enough?”

This is the first trap of fear. The enemy wins if they can win your focus. If the enemy controls your focus they can keep you fixated on all the hardships and make you forget your reason for fighting. I was losing this game and wondering, why is this so hard? Why does my writing feel weak?

I was writing with fear in the driver’s seat.

How To Push Past Fear

Once I recognized this, my eyes opened. I was focusing on all the wrong things. Who cares what this publisher thinks? Who cares if my writing feels weak? I write because it’s what God has called me to do. I know many people have read this manuscript and absolutely loved it. They keep telling me it needs to get published.

I am a child of God.

I write to help young men see the adventurous calling God has planned for them.

This is why I write.

So, why is God calling you to do this big thing? Why is Satan fighting so hard to stop you from taking that wild step of faith? You are God’s child. Don’t listen to those fears; God has a reason for giving you this mission.

Focus on God, who he is, who he made you to be, what he’s calling you to do, and why he’s calling you to do it. Don’t focus on the fears. Push past the fears by focusing on God.

Life Beyond Fear

Once you’ve pushed past fear, you can live. Once you’ve tasted that freedom and life, there’s no way you’ll want to go back. You don’t have to let fear control you. You can dream up those things everyone else says are impossible. And they might be impossible for you to do, but not when God is moving through you.

Even better than this, when you shake off fear’s grip on your heart. Doing that hard thing is no longer a burden or a taxing experience. It becomes a joy and a dance, knowing you are walking this path with your God and creator.

How could we not want to live this life?

And this is living wilder.


What scary thing has God called you to do? How are you learning to push past fear? Please share your thoughts below.


If you are trying to discern whether or not God is calling you to this path, I’d encourage you to check out my blog post God’s Calling or Your Own Desire?

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