
The Big Bang Has Been Debunked

I’ve seen the day coming, but it’s much closer now than I expected. With all the conversations I’ve had with people I’ve seen a slow shift away from the idea of the big bang. And so, something else is rising up to take its place. What is this new thing? How has the big bang been debunked? And how can we as Christians be prepared for this change? I’ll answer all these questions and more in this blog post.

Why Scientists Started Believing In The Big Bang

The truth is, the big bang never held much weight. Every scientist knows that matter can’t be created or destroyed. It can only change forms.

This is exactly why atheist scientists believed for so long that the universe always existed. Once we started recognizing the law of entropy, this belief was no longer possible.

In a nutshell, entropy says that order naturally dissolves into disorder. This is what happens to our bodies as we age. It’s what happens to cars as you drive them. It all breaks down. Energy dissipates. According to entropy, in some far distant day, there will be no more planets, suns, or black holes, there will just be tiny particles with no energy evenly spread throughout space.

Now, some might be confused as to how our planet has maintained a lot of order over thousands of years, but that’s all because of the sun.  As the sun dies, it continues to keep our planet alive. But once the sun dies, so do we. This fact of entropy says that everything will die like a wind-up toy slowing down to a stop.

The fact that our universe is winding down then begs the question what wound it up?

If your gas tank empties as you drive, then that tells us two things. 1) It will not last forever, and 2) something had to fill it up.

With the discovery of entropy, we know our universe has not always existed.

This is where the Bible is proven true and where the big bang comes in.

How Has The Big Bang Been Debunked?

To say matter suddenly appeared makes no sense. Some get around this by saying there was always matter perfectly balanced throughout the universe and somehow it all collided together and exploded. Others don’t even try to answer what caused the big bang, they just believe it happened.

As a Christian, who believes in God and the Bible, I agree that there is an irrefutable amount of evidence pointing towards the reality of the big bang. I think the Bible had it right far before scientists. Genesis 1:1 says, “In the beginning, God created the heavens and the Earth.”

The problem here is that in our matter cannot be created or destroyed, it can only change forms. This means the matter we see now after the big bang had to somehow exist before.

So, whether the big bang happened or not, all this matter had to be there beforehand. Some will say it’s all a cycle and that someday all matter will collide into another big bang. But this doesn’t answer the cause of the beginning.

As we discover more and more, scientists can no longer say the big bang created everything. All the big bang can ever be is just a transformation story. It turned what was into what is. But it never answers the question of, how did all this matter get created?

The big bang did not create our universe. If anything, only transformed it. Because of this, the big bang has been debunked as an alternate creation story.


The Next Wave?

As more and more people start to realize this problem, they must choose to either believe in some spiritual entity or concoct another creation story hypothesis through clues we see in the observable universe.

The difficulty here is that everything in our observable universe tells us that we shouldn’t be here. In every corner of our universe, we see the truth of entropy displayed.

How could we ever solve this dilemma?

This is where the next wave comes in: we need to look outside of our universe.

Now, it might be easy here to believe in the existence of God, or you can keep searching elsewhere. That’s what atheists do. Since our entire universe doesn’t grant them the answer they are looking for, they must start believing in alternate universes.

And this is the next wave that is starting to growing in popularity. And I expect soon the conversation won’t be about the big bang at all, but instead about these bubble universes.

But this isn’t enough either.

If there were thousands of bubble universes out there with all the same natural laws, then we’d come back to the same problem of what created or started it all? It would be like a river of all these bubble universes all rushing down along the same course to their end.

A Step Beyond the Unprovable

The current working theory here is that there are thousands of bubble universes and many of these have different laws like reversed entropy. Let’s stick with this river of bubble universes idea. If the stream is flowing in one direction we know it has a source at its beginning. Maybe it’s a spring or a snowfield/glacier, but even these have sources. Ultimately, all these sources come back to rain or snow.

If thousands of bubble universes are rushing down this stream, but some are somehow going upstream (these are universes with reversed entropy), then it’s all possible. Just as many universes are ending in death, disorder, or a complete lack of energy, many other bubble universes are moving from that lifelessness into total energy, order, and life.

But we must actually take one step further. Because even these reversed entropy universes couldn’t sustain life as everything in it will just get hotter, brighter, and denser.

The only way this idea could ever result in a universe like ours, is if somehow one of those universes could leak or transform into a dying universe. Then we’d have the energy needed from a reversed entropy universe, while still having entropy work in the normal fashion that we see.


What Us Christians Should Know

Topics like these are here already and you’ll be getting them much more as you have share your faith and as people throw out objections to your faith.

I want to prepare you.

Here’s a few key points to help you as you answer the questions

  1. Nothing in our universe supports the existence of bubble universes.
  2. Every corner of our universe further proves that entropy is always true everywhere.
  3. This whole idea hinges on three concepts that aren’t supported by science at all: the existence of bubble universes, the concept of reversed entropy, and the idea that Bubble universes can touch/bump/leak/or transform into another universe.
  4. Even if these three impossibilities were true, they still don’t answer the mystery of how the first living organism came to life, something the God theory easily answers.
  5. Even if all of this were true, how did all these bubble universes come about?
  6. None of this bubble universe stuff disproves God, he could’ve created them all and chosen to use it all just as he quite possibly chose to use the big bang.
  7. Why would we believe all these impossibilities if the existence of God is perfectly explainable with all that we see in our universe?

What Us Christians should Do

We as Christians should never be afraid of true science. It always comes back around to prove God. If atheists need to start turning to things outside of our universe and contradictory to what we see in our universe then clearly they have a very weak case.

Our faith is secure, so let’s go out with boldness to share this life-changing news with others. People are searching desperately for the truth. So many feel purposeless and depressed with the sad belief that nothing they do will ever matter.

Let’s give them this true hope by sharing Christ with them. He’s true and real, and there’s an eternity just around the corner that we need to make sure they are prepared for.

All of this is how we live wilder.


Does this all make sense to you? If it doesn’t please ask questions, I’d love to help explain it further to you. Or do you think I missed anything? Is there a better explanation I could’ve used? Please let me know.


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