Flash Fiction, Thrive Stories

The First Christian

Despite the rifle the State Soldier pointed at his temple, he stared at her.

Jen’s heart pounded. She opened her coat just enough to reveal the book. His book. The book he was about to die for.

A flash of recognition crossed his face.


Blood painted the brick wall behind him. He stumbled for a half second, then crumpled to the ground.

She closed her mouth and held back the heart-wrenching gasp that threatened to reveal her.

With the show over, the crowed dissipated around her, joking and laughing as if nothing had happened.

Jen fought back tears. She forced her legs to move. If anyone caught her with the man’s book, her blood would mix with his.

She didn’t stop until she reached her home: a tent on the top of a four story building. Even this rent she could hardly afford since 2060. But at least she had a meager job and a dry place to sleep, most in the US didn’t even have these luxuries.

She zipped the door shut and pulled the old book out.

Her heart still burned from the man’s last words. She felt different too. She knew this decision would alter her life. But what decision did she make? All she did was recognize the truth of his words and respond.

Jen looked down at the book in her lap. Of all people, why me? 

She had so many questions, but no one to ask. He was the only Christian she knew. Not that she knew him personally, but she heard of him. The State Soldiers put up his picture all over Knoxville, Tennessee.

They killed all his friends.

He was the last Christian. After all his years of street preaching and seemingly miraculous escapes, they finally caught and killed him.

And now she had his book.

He said they were sinners and immediately she saw the truth in his words. The guilt of all the people she wronged slammed into her through his words.

He mentioned a future punishment, and she saw the powerful being on the throne. His whole figure shone with radiant light. His massive form and mighty features exposed her guilt. She couldn’t excuse her wicked acts. He saw through her lies and peered straight into her wretched heart.

So she repented. She didn’t know who this Christ was, but she needed him. Somehow he was the answer, so she called upon his name and asked him to forgive her.

Love. Pure, full, and complete. It washed over her. She still felt it moving within her. A love that far surpassed anything she ever felt before. Everything she might’ve called “true love” before now felt fake and insincere.

But, now what? 

She opened the book at the beginning.

Something about the book drew her in. She knew the danger of picking it up when he dropped it during his escape, but she couldn’t resist.

A note, taped to the first page read, “If you found this Bible, start reading on page 655.”

Odd. But she didn’t argue. She flipped to the page, which was titled “John”.

Much of it didn’t make sense, but gradually she understood: a very powerful and kind man named Jesus led a group called “disciples”. God was his father in a special way, but he died and God brought him back to life. Somehow his death paid the punishment for her sin so that she could now call God her father and join him in heaven after her death.

For the first time in years, joy filled her heart. Hope came with it too. This depressing life wasn’t the end.

After hours of reading, she set the book down and left the tent. She sat on the edge of the roof and dangled her feet over the edge as she watched the spectacular sun set.

Beautiful! It seemed as if she’d never before seen it set in color. Somehow it seemed more vibrant and hopeful.

A noise attracted her to the street down below. People walked the busy street in the shadows, completely unaware of the living work of art all around them.

Her stomach dropped.

What about them? Yes, she had this new life and hope, but what about them?

It all clicked into place. She always thought the Christians were crazy for trying to convince people of their beliefs even at the cost of their lives, but now she understood.

How could she keep this joy and love to herself? And what did she have to lose? This short painful life in exchange for eternity?

No wonder they died for this cause.

How many died so that this news might reach and change her? And how dare she let this news die with her?

What if the dead man who owned the book kept this life changing news a secret out of fear for his own life? If he did, she’d still be trapped in her old life.

And Jesus too, he also died so she could have this new life.

She owed this new life to both of them and to the thousands of others who had never heard it before.

Yes, she was the first to believe this message from the dead Christian, but she would not be the last. Nor would she be alone.

As Jesus said in the book, “I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation.

“But, take heart; I have overcome the world.”




If you enjoyed this story, check my other favorite flash fiction story Together Forever.

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