The Christian Walk

Stop and Listen for God’s Calling in Your Life

 We all know how life can get crazy busy. There’s so much to do, so many bills to pay, so many dollars to make. The problem is we have so much to do that we intentionally or accidentally cut things out of our lives. Often times, one of the things we cut out first is a quiet time with God. This is to our detriment. If we aren’t quieting our minds to listen for God’s calling, how will we hear him over the rush of life? How will you know his specific and daily calling for your life if you never give him the time to speak?

Listen for God’s Calling

Going back to the war analogy I mentioned in earlier posts, it’s critical we as God’s soldiers listen for his directions each day. If a soldier went off into war without listening to the mission briefing, he’d be in serious danger. He couldn’t function in unity with his fellow soldiers, because he has a different understanding of what he must do. He wouldn’t be prepared for the dangers he’s about to face. Nor would he understand his specific mission for that day.

In the same way, we won’t know what God’s directions are for us on a day to day basis. We won’t understand the mission God has for us each day. We wouldn’t know how to resist that day’s temptations. On top of that, we will be just a little more disjointed with other believers. Each day we don’t spend quiet time with God, our focus will shift just a bit toward our own missions and goals.

As we walk through each day in humble faithfulness, God will gradually reveal to us what his specific calling is for our lives. If we aren’t faithful with each day, we will never discover God’s unique calling for us. We’ll never know how to be faithful with each day if we don’t set aside a chunk of time in our daily schedule to connect with him.

The Sabbath Day

Since the beginning of creation, God established a day of rest. Why? Because he speaks in the quiet moments. Yes, he can speak all the time, but he is an intimate God who likes to spend personal time with each of us. Plus, it’s far too easy to get distracted. I’ve noticed that when I’m reading God’s word, I often get distracted by blank walls. How absurd is that?

We have an enemy. A powerful enemy who will do whatever they can just to distract us from listening to God. They’ll use anything: pressing deadlines, emergencies, complications, family, friends, work, chores, hunger, thirst, entertainment, your fleeting whims and desires, and, yes, even blank walls.

Regardless of what we have going on in life, we need to give God space and time in our lives. Even beyond this, we need to give God a whole day to rest and dwell in his presence. This is also a great time to enjoy the life he’s given us and the people he’s placed around us.

Daily Quiet Times

How we listen for God is different for each of us. We are all unique and how we ready ourselves to hear from God is just as unique. I typically read a chapter of the Bible each day as I work through a book in the Bible. Then, I make sure to quiet myself to pray and meditate on what I read as I think through what God is teaching me. It doesn’t matter so much what you do, as long as you include God’s word, prayer, and meditation. For bonus points you could even include a time of worship.

One important point to make is that you should try your hardest to hold any sort of routine with an open hand to adjust it as God leads. Structure is good, but hold to the freedom that you don’t need to stick to this structure. More importantly, make sure your focus is on drawing near to God so you can grow deeper in your relationship with him.

We need to come before God and listen. This means pushing away the business of life, and asking God “What do I need to know for today? How can I follow you today?” As we listen for God’s calling, he will make his specific calling for our lives clear.

How has God spoken to you when you’ve paused your life to listen?


If you feel like your life is going nowhere even as you follow him faithfully, then I’d like to encourage you by sharing Two Personal Stories of How God let My Dreams Die

If you are new to all this talk about finding your specific calling, I’d encourage you to check out my blog post Discovering God’s Calling for Your Life

*Bonus points aren’t real

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