Facing Fear

Why do we Crave Adventure?

There’s something within all of us that compels us to experience life and explore this beautiful planet. This is what drives us to climb the tallest mountains, pushes us to jump out of airplanes, and prompts us to sit in that new sports car as it goes from zero to sixty in three seconds. But why do we crave adventure?

The Mysterious Unknown

I believe God has wired us to be curious. Beyond simply knowing about something, God wired us to desire to experience it with our senses. We all know you can go to space and experience zero gravity, but we want more than that. We want to experience the sensation of floating. Fortunately, God put us on this planet and set it all up so we could fulfill this desire to experience.

Think about every force, landscape, natural law, and weather pattern. All of these can vary in form and intensity. Even gravity. Imagine telling someone four hundred years ago that you could put them in a place where they would simply float.

Experiences are like collectables. We run about trying to collect as many baseball cards as possible. We want to experience the mysterious unknown.

Why do we crave adventure?

I wish I just had enough time to explore every single crevasse on the world’s surface. I suppose I crave this simply because I just want to know and experience it. It’s as if there’s something to learn there. Something new to find or some great mystery waiting for me right around the corner.

Personally, I think this all relates back to God’s character. I believe God is the very definition of beauty and awe. It’s natural then that we would see these qualities reflected in his creation. We are drawn to experience and explore his creation because creation points us back to the essence of God. Of course we can divorce creation from the creator and still enjoy it. It’s like enjoying the magnificence of an amazingly detailed painting that took the artist years to complete. However, the painting would be a thousand times more beautiful to you if you knew the painting was just for you and that every second the artist spent working on it he also spent thinking about how much he cared for you.

So, I think we crave adventure because God wanted us to explore and experience this wonderful world. He knew that by doing so we would understand more of how great he is and how much he cares for us. When we follow this desire we draw closer to him and are filled with his life. It makes sense that every element of who God is would draw us in since he is the definition of goodness. So, therefore, anything that bears an element of who God is, would also draw us in.

Most importantly, if we only seek experiences, our desire for adventure will never be satisfied. Entering into God’s presence as a culmination of an experience is the only way to completely satisfy this desire.

What are your thoughts? Did I miss something? Please Comment below



If you want to bring adventure into your life but just don’t know how, I’d encourage you to check out my blog Two Keys to a Life of Meaning and Adventure

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